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$ 105.00 AUD
$ 105.00 AUD
Product Details
CarbonX™ CF-PC/ABS has been formulated to offer improved thermal resistance and mechanical properties while retaining an ease of printability that makes it ideal for anyone seeking a structural component with high heat, high stiffness, excellent surface quality, and dimensional stability.
Material Attributes
Print industrial-grade Carbon Fiber PC/ABS parts with Gearbox™ HT2 High-Temp 3D Printer.
Our AquaTek® X1 Water Soluble Support works great with CarbonX™ CF-PC/ABS and allows you to print parts with complex geometries and then dissolve away the support in warm water.
Recommended Print Settings
- Extruder: 280-300°C
- Bed Temp: 100-120°C
- Bed Prep: PEI Sheet or tape, Kapton/PI Tape, Glue stick on clean glass, ABS/Acetone Slurry
- Nozzle: We strongly recommend a 0.4mm orifice or larger
- Layer Height: Ideal layer height is 60% of nozzle diameter. We do not recommend printing layers below 0.25mm with carbon fiber grades. Lower than 0.25mm may create too much back pressure in the hot end and result in poor feeding, jams, drive gear clicking, and eating a notch into the filament.
- Support: Our Aquatek water soluble support works great to create complex parts.
Phone Number
0401 317 743
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